Your Digital Mentor Podcast

Establishing and Maintaining a mentoring relationship

Episode Summary

Short description: Is mentorship a two-way street? Amel and Palwende share their experiences that have shaped their careers. Guests: Amel Ghouila and Palwende Boua Soundbite: Amel Ghouila Episode description: This episode will discuss how one can establish and effectively maintain a mentoring relationship. Our guests will share their different experiences in building and sustaining the relationships they have had with their mentors and mentees. We will also explore the dynamics of such relationships including effective communication, balancing the personal vs. professional, tools they used to facilitate the relationships, and their challenges and successes.

Episode Notes

Takeaways from today's episode: 


Mentoring health researchers globally by Cole et al.  

Global Health Mentoring Toolkits by Hansoti et al.


Guest information

Dr. Amel Ghouila is a bioinformatician coordinating a Data science for public health program in LMICs. She previously worked for the bioinformatics capacity building network H3ABionet. Amel is the Vice President for ASBCB and the founder of a non-profit dedicated to teaching young girls coding and entrepreneurship skills. 

Contact Amel @ AmelGhouila

Dr. Palwende BOUA is a Researcher in human genetics and nutrition at the Clinical Research Unit of Nanoro (CRUN), IRSS-DRCO, Burkina Faso. He has been working on  multi-disciplinary research projects using GWAS data in population genetics studies in nutrition-related disorders and cardiometabolic diseases in African populations. 

Contact Palwende @romyboua


Editing by Mariana Vaz,

Research: Emmanuela Oppong

Producers: Emmanuela Oppong (Producer), Alice Matimba (Senior Producer), Christine Boinett (Creator and Executive producer) and Isabela Malta (Producer).

Host: Alice Matimba

Media and Marketing: Catherine Holmes




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Wellcome Sanger Institute

Social Entrepreneurship to Spur Health