Your Digital Mentor Podcast

How to Choose a Research Supervisor

Episode Summary

Your supervisor & the culture of their research group will have significant impact on your happiness and success in graduate school. Here, Jen Heemstra talks us through what should be considered when choosing the right supervisor, and how to spot red flags.

Episode Notes

If you are looking to start a PhD, you may consider choosing a supervisor based on the type of research that you find most interesting. While this should certainly be a component of your decision, it is also important to look beyond the research. In fact, your supervisor and the culture of their research group will have significantly more impact on your happiness and success in graduate school than the research itself. Here, Jen Heemstra talks us through what should be considered when choosing the right supervisor, and how to spot red flags.

More than a signature: How advisor choice and advisor behaviour affect doctoral student satisfaction

Choosing a Graduate Advisor

Guest information
Jen Heemstra is a Professor of Chemistry at Emory University, where her research group is focused on using biomolecules for applications in biosensing and bioimaging. Jen is actively engaged in science communication and advocacy via her Twitter presence (@jenheemstra), column in Chemical & Engineering News, and professional development seminars.

Editing by Mariana Vaz,
Research: Jen Heemstra, Isabela Malta
Producers: Isabela Malta (Producer), Alice Matimba (Senior Producer), Christine Boinett (Creator and Executive producer) and Emmanuela Oppong (Producer).
Social media: Catherine Holmes
Host: Isabela Malta
Created by: Christine Boinett

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Twitter: @mentor_podcast

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